Hi, I'm Victoria, and I am an ecohydrologist with a special interest in urban forests as nature based solutions. 

water resources engineering | source tracking | microbial ecology | watershed memory and transport phenomena

An interdisciplinary approach to stream science:

Social Ecology

Integrating the community culture with the environment is necessary for a sustainable future.


Decolonizing stream science through re-centering indigenous knowledge can advance an inclusive and holistic approach to watershed management.

Environmental Justice

Cultivating a culture of care and reciprocity through integrated social action advances social and ecological wellbeing.


.. I am a Postdoctoral Scholar within the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment (ISSE) at University of Tennessee, Knoxville. (January, 2024 - ?)

.. I am looking for opportunities to collaborate with nonprofits, research institutions, or other stakeholders on socially driven ecological reform.
